5 Top Tools To Increase Productivity

We all have the same time available but we definitely all use it differently. I would hasten to add, some with more success at productivity than others.

I always include myself in this arena as some days I have it down to a tee; other days I spend swallowed up in social media getting nothing done on my to-do list.

Productivity is discussed in many arenas and I believe, the nemesis of many.

So looking at your productivity and the many tools available here are 5 top tools to increase your productivity.

  1. Calendar Booking System

According to Michelle from Virtual hand “If you link your calendar to a booking system it is far quicker and easier to just send the link to whoever you want to have a meeting with – they check their calendar against yours and hey presto they are booked in when it is convenient to you both.” A life saver for me and saving so much time and energy in ping pong calls or emails.

  1. Best times to work

This is a crazy perspective. We are all conditioned to the 9-5 work mentality but it may not be your best time to work. I know some people who rise at 5 and get more done before 9am than I could ever dream of getting done 9-5. I’m definitely a person who works better the later the time of day. So find out what suits you – when do you do your best work and aim to work then – or at least do your most important work during that time. Maybe use less productive time to do things like social media or email answering. I promise you; it’ll be a revelation.

  1. Environment

What suits you best – office or coffee shop, noise or silence? Get your environment working for you and you will get motivated so much quicker and therefore get more done in your zone of genius. 

  1. Scheduling tools

Social media is definitely here to stay  and getting your message out on one or more platforms can certainly dig into your day. Using a scheduling tool to get it all created and ready to post (automatically) will save you hours. This will also stop you scrolling on social media when you’re there. Using tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, Later,Planoly, etc will save you remote team monitoring time. There are so many so due diligence in getting the right ones for you and your platforms is key.

  1. Creation tools

Creating your lovely images for your postscan again take so long. Are you someone who likes to create ‘in the moment’ on your phone and then post? Admirable and is great for those spontaneous posts – but what if you don’t have the inspiration, time or motivation; does that mean no posts? This is where scheduling and therefore bulk creation comes into it’s own. Using tools like Canva will ensure you are consistent in look and feel as you can edit old ones easily. When you upgrade to Pro you get the option to add your brand colours and fonts. So you will never be off-shade or not on-brand with your images.

There you are 5 Top Tools to increase your productivity.

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