Representing people who work for your brand is a must. They must find recognition on all relevant platforms, such as the company website, marketing materials, and in-house magazines. The more important people, including the top brass, must have a better representation. That’s exactly the different between business portraits and headshots. Headshots are more of a generic representation of a person, and the focus is more on the face rather the personality. On the other hand, business portraits are more like professional presentation of a person, usually someone who is at a more important position. For example, like the CEO and marketing manager of the company.
If you are wondering how to get business portraits near me and are wondering about the differences with a headshot, we have some quick information for your help.
The difference between business portraits and headshots
As we mentioned, business portraits are typically taken for more important people. These are people who matter in the long run for your company. Expectedly, the work involved in taking business portraits is also more, and therefore, the price is also on the higher side. Headshots, on the other hand, and are more generic in nature. For example, you may need headshots to be taken every month for the best employee for each department. The use of business portraits and headshots is also different. The latter is used for company websites, magazines and selected business materials, while portraits are used for profiles, magazines and brochures talking of performance.
In terms of representation and work involved, business portraits are complicated but allow the photographer to have a more creative approach towards all aspects, such as the background and lighting.
How to find a good corporate photographer?
Ideally, check online and look for services that have a good portfolio. Contact a few of them and ask them for references and samples of the recent business portraits that they have taken. You may also want to review their work profile in general, just to know if they can take care of photography requirements for your brand in the long run. As for the costs, you can expect to pay per person, usually around $100 per person for headshots and about $150 or more for business portraits.
If you can keep a tab on these basic aspects and hire a good corporate photography expert, you can easily manage your brand’s image better through photos.
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